Saturday, November 21, 2009

Aku dan Kamu

Melintasi jalan itu aku teringat kamu..
Ya, kamu dan semua hal tentang mu yang dahulu sangat ku pahami.

Aku ingat wajah mu yang selalu bisa mengalihkan perhatianku.
Aku ingat senyuman mu yang selalu dapat membuat ku diam dan tersipu.
Aku ingat suara lembut mu yang selalu mampu menyihir ku.
Aku ingat aroma tubuhmu yang selalu bisa menciutkan nyali ku untuk berbicara lebih jauh. 
Semua, semua tentang dirimu. Tak ada satu pun yang luput dari pikiran ku.

Mereka selalu berkata buruk tentang mu, hampir setiap waktu.
Namun, bagiku, jika menyangkut tentang kamu, yang pahit terdengar manis di telingaku.
Yang buruk terdengar baik.. bahkan yang hancur terdengar indah.... Sangat indah bagiku.
Entah mengapa daya tarik mu selalu bisa membuatku mengacuhkan segalanya.

Aku tahu semua ini tak berarti apa-apa bagi mu.
Dunia ku dan dunia mu, hidup ku dan hidup mu telah terpisah jauh.. jauh sekali.
Semua hal yg kita bicarakan pada saat itu hanya mengawang-awang di udara tanpa sanggup ku raih.
Dirimu juga begitu.
Kau hanya mengawang-awang di pikiranku tanpa bisa ku kusebut, bahkan di dalam hati.

Aku menulis ini bukan berarti aku masih terpaku padamu.
Aku sudah bisa bergerak maju meninggalkan mu.
Menghilangkan bayangan dirimu, meneruskan hidup ku.

Ini hanya buah dari pemikiran ku..
Tentang kita.
Tentang aku dan kamu.
Tentang semua kenangan.
Dan ini tak akan membuatku berpaling lagi padamu.
Karena aku sangat mengenalmu.

ps: semoga kau selalu bahagia disana.

Friday, August 28, 2009

I Hate You

Looking at your page,
And suddenly realize that we're torn apart.

I hate this part...
I hate my feeling when i heard your name.
I hate when my heart's beating for only to see your face.
I hate when i wrote this note, i am thinking about you and your life.
I hate the time when my room is dark and memories of you flashing by over and over again.
I hate it, i hate the fact that i'm weak.

But the worst thing is ...
Only you to wipe my tears and grew happiness in me..
Only you to make me strong and make me wise..
Only you to make myself priceless..

That's why i hate you so much

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Iya iya, Gua Lakuin Apa yang Lo Mau deh

huaahh.. capek juga yahh ?
tanpa terasa 2 jam berlalu begitu cepat yah dear ?
lo minta yg lo pgn , gua lakuin deh..

walaupun gua males , tapi lo maksa2 gua terus..
semakin gua tolak semakin lo getol..bahasa lo udh ga ky minta tolong lagi , tpi nyuruh !
yahh sampe akhirnya gw luluh juga setelah lo bilang gini :
"buruan dong , klo ga sekarang kpan lgi ? jgn ditunda2 deh. udah lama juga lo ga nyentuh gw. mana janji lo kmrn2 ? udh ga mau tanggung jawab lagi sama gw ?"

laki2 mana coba yg ga luluh sama kata2 ky begitu ?
meskipun gua rada terpaksa juga sih , tpi gpp lah ..
emang sih udh 2 bulanan sejak terakhir kali gw ngejamah lo..
tp kemaren gua dateng kan ? walaupun gua cuma sebentar doang tanpa bisa ngejamah lo lebih intim lagi..
maapin gua yah..kemaren gua buru2 soalnya..

tapi sekarang kan gua udh nyenengin lo nih , malahan gua mesti nunda2 janji gua ke bokap..
sekarang percaya kan lo kalo gua tanggung jawab ?
kalo gua ga lupa sama kata2 gua dulu ?
kalo gua emg setia sama lo ?

nah makanya sekarang lo mesti janji juga sama gua..
kl lo bkalan bikin gua lebih pinter lagi..
bkalan bkin gua nyaman lama2 di deket lo..
bkalan jadi sarana silaturahmi gua..
bkalan jadi tempat gua curhat , nuangin ide2 dan inspirasi gua dan jadi tempat suka dan duka gua..
gua yakin lo sanggup penuhin yg gua minta . gua percaya sama lo , dear !

yaudah lah yaahh , sekarang gua mau makan dulu..
elo kan udh puas 2 jam gw sentuh sana sini..
gw tambahin link , gua tambahin archive , gua tambahin recent post , gua settingin huruf lo , gua tambahin twitter + facebook gua juga lagi..
malahan header lo gua kasih gambar , walopun ga gitu bagus, yg penting kan lo suka..

gua janji deh bkalan sering nengok lo trus ngepost di page lo..
gua janji deh bkin lo tmbh berisi dgn tulisan2 gua..
oke dear ? mudah2an lo puas yahh..
oke deh gua makan dulu..bsok2 kita ktemu lagi..

goodbye for now, my dear blog..

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


11 August, 03.15
It was a cold breathtaking morning.
I just couldn't sleep, because i had this thought about you...
Then my cellphone's ring..
I picked up, it turned out to be my friend.
He spoke with husky voice.

"You have to help me"
"What happen to you ?", I asked him.

"Well, it's a long long story, do you mind to listen to me all night long?"
"Oh don't you worry about that , i always had time for my friend"
"Okay , i will tell you what happened"

Then he began to speak , still with husky voice..

"Do you know my ex? I guess i still love her. After all she did to me. I know it sounds silly. But it began to haunt me all the time"

"Oh dude, it's not silly at all. It's a normal feeling. So, tell me more please"

"Well, it's silly because this feeling is coming back for more and more. There's a time when i lost all my love and joy for her, but then, this feeling is coming back and it makes me confused. What exactly my feeling for her ? Is it love or else ? Trust me, it's not good for your mind"

"Yeah , i know that"

"You already know how much i love her? How much i care about her? My sacrifices for her? You know it, dont you?
I took all the risk, i took all the revilement, i took all my heart and soul just for her. Even though our relationship were not long, i still give all for her. And then we break up, but we still have a good communication"

"And then she start seeing other guy. Honestly, at that time i feel so much pain. Because i think that must be me being on that guy position.
I was try to make her mine again. I give my best. We had a good communication, we had some fun together. I think my chance were big to get her heart back. Because when i asked her about her "new guy" , she said clearly that she wouldn’t make up with that guy. She said she only likes him, not love him. That makes my faith gone big"

"So, why weren't you two didnt have relationship back again?"

"I don't know at all, week after our last phone call. She's changed. She never text me again. And when i texted her, she reply my message in a short word. I have bad feeling about that. Seems like she getting closer and closer with that "new guy". I seek for information through my friends, and yeah it's true. She get much closer to that guy than before. My friend said that she preffered to choose that guy after me. Yeaaahh, my biggest fear become true. And then i'm going to have a face to face talk with her. I asked her what all my friend said about, she nod her head and said yes. Oh god, my world is hanging around!
But i asked her to give me a chance to win her heart. She allowed what i asked to. Even though some of my friends say that she’s not worth to fight that much, i don’t care . I keep fighting and fighting to win her heart back"

"Then what happened?"

"Well , after all my blood and tears, she make up with that new guy. I felt sooooo down. I decided to forget her and move on with my life. I give her a note and DVD as a goodbye present"

"What a story! Wooww, you have a lot of patience dude. According to your story, i guess....."

"No no no no.. it's not finished dude, there's more to come. Hahaha.. but if you feel sleepy, you can sleep, i dont mind at all.." 

"Hahaha.. sorry, i think you are finished with that! I'm not sleepy, so you can continue your story"

"Months after months i’ve already forget about her, i can neutralize my feeling. It's good you know ? I texted her to tell her my life, and asking about her life. At that time, my feeling for her is pure friend. We are good to each other"

"It's good after all"

"Then she broke up with that guy. She said that her relationship is "bored and uncomfortable". honestly, i feel plain, yes.. plain"

"Let me guess, i bet that the incident in the past was happened again!"

"Yeaahh you're right, we get close again. My neutralize feeling is not neutral anymore. Our relations kind of strange you know? We pretend to be friend, but i know this relationship is more. I'm not that kind of greedy person. It's just my love who takes control. She give me strong sign like the old days, but i hoped this time will be better. I asked her if it's someone that close to her right now. She always say no one, no one close to her. But i know that there's someone who like her . But everytime i ask her, she always say she have no feeling for him. She said thats' not gonna happen! My road is wide open. But still, i dont believe her 100% again"

"Yeeaahh, girls will be girls. What say in their mouth, not always shows what's in their heart"

"You are right! Even tough she said that's not gonna happen, but it's contrawise the fact that they getting closer and closer. I'm ready for the worst... and then, BAM!! I am right! My guess is right! She make up with the one she said "not gonna happen", AGAIN. I know that no one can see the future, maybe she get melt of the guy’s effort to win her heart, or anything else. I don't know the reason why . I’m not blaming her, tough. I just wondering why she do this again to me? Why she always so confident when i asked her about these guy yesterday? I don't get what’s in her mind, you know?"

"Oh God, then why you're not feeling down this time?"

"Because i’ve already predicted what will happen after i saw what's going on them! This time i’ve learned from the past"

"Hmmm.. thats good! But, if you already know and let her go, then why you said that you still love her and you doubt about your feeling in the beginning of these conversation?"

"Yeah, today i looked at her facebook page, and i've got this strange feeling. I couldn't describe it at all. It's like mixed fruit! At this point i will say i have no feeling for her. But i'm afraid the feeling is coming back again and again. So what should i do? Should I leave all things about her? And ran away for the rest of my life? Or should i just keep this way and hope that blindful feeling not coming back again? Tell me what should i do?"

"I think you better leave all things about her and start to find another destination for your heart! No one can guarantee your feeling for her won't coming back again. Oh please! Dont be like a stupid rat trapped in same way. You have to leave her for the rest of your life. Pretend that you're not even recognize her. Stop bleeding your heart for more. She already have her own life. Don't ruin that! She owns her happiness now. And so do you. If  you love someone then she want to go, just let em’ go, for if they return, they're always yours . But if they don't, they never were. Dude, it's only my words, my opinion. You still free to think. It's your life. It’s your own choice. You have to choose with your heart. Heart never lies"

"Okay. I should think clearly. I just want to be good to her. No matter what, she was to be my precious. I want the best for us. And i pray for her good life. May she find what she’s looking for. By the way, thanks to you and your ears for listening this crab! Thanks for your advice too. So long and goodbye! Catch you later"

It's 5 am in the morning when the conversation ends.
I'm still awake. I made tea to keep me warm.
Then i realize, my cell phone’s turn out to be empty since midnight.

I'm freezing inside.....
Then, whom i talked to?
It's strange! Very strange.....
That conversation is real, i still can feel my throat’s dry and my ears throbbed.
I look at the mirror and see some strange curve. The mirror is dewy. And there’s many tracks of the face in the mirror. Everything seems in vague.

Could it be me, talked to myself in the mirror all this time?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

liburan tiba

akhirnya liburan tiba juga !
sebenernya gw libur udh lama sih , sekitar 2 minggu bru bisa nge post skrg !!
kasian ini blog , ga keurus..untung ga jd gembel ..
ngapain aja liburan yahh??

ini list2 rencana liburan gw.

1. males2 an di rumah
2. nyari duit moto2 di istana negara
3. ikut abang ipar gw motret
4. magang ( tp kynya susah nih )
5. ke bandung sm an 3 dis ( on progress )
6. jd bandit terminal lebak bulus
7. mematahkan rekor dunia "nungging 24 jam non stop"

hahaha yg nmr 7 hampir mustahil untuk dikerjakan!

sampai disini dulu deh !!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


selamat subuh semua!
jd gni , sebelumnya gw udh pernah bkin blog di sini.
tapi blog yg itu udh mulai ga keurus.knp? karena hasrat menulis gw ga muncul2..hehehe.
nah krn sekarang hasrat menulis gw udh mulai muncul, jd gw sekalian aja bkin yg baru! trus gw sekalian aja bkin di tempat yg emang khusus buat nge-blog , soalnya yg kmrn itu gw msih coba-coba aja..
wah buat blog ko coba-coba..
nah sekarang permasalahanya , apakah postingan2 gw yg kemaren itu perlu gw pindahin ke sini?
bingung nih, enaknya gmana yah?
ntr deh yg itu dipikirin lagi..
yg penting skrg udh punya blog baru..
sgini aja dulu yah? ntr disambung lgi kl punya lem..